Doan Courant

The semi-whenever newsletter for one of the many Doan Families.

Monday, August 14, 2006

A month long week

What a week was last week! I arrived at work on Wednesday, and the my supervisor pulled me into his office. He asked me how I was doing. I told him as far as I knew I was fine. He then told me that my immediate supervisor would be out all shift. The other coach with whom I worked was leaving the company and would only be working two days, Thursday and Friday. I was going to be the only regular staff for our group. They were going to bring some other staff over to "patch the holes." So armed with that knowledge I prepared for an exciting time. And it was indeed exciting.
We had several significant "incidents" during the week. A total of 6 students were sent the program for students who are causing problems because they were causing problems. One of these students attempted to run on Friday night, but we were able to disrupt his plans. It was one exciting week. I am very glad that it is over.
The kids and Jenni are doing well. I have no new information to report on them. They are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing.
That is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. That is INSANE. Back in the day, if a kid was going to run out on would just whack 'em with a yard stick. Have you tried that?
Just kidding.
Glad to hear everything is going well! And even though Mark may be free between 1 and 3am, we have found a volleyball coach. hoo-rah hoo-rah! practice starts on the 28th! CAN'T WAIT! I've already started a little workout schedule for myself to get ready. How exciting!
Keep on posting, Mr. and Mrs. Doan!!