Doan Courant

The semi-whenever newsletter for one of the many Doan Families.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Good behavior

Through years of careful research and complex calculations, I have developed a formula to determine whether or not a student/person is exhibiting "good" behavior. The formula is as follows:

Number of desired behaviors (δ) - (Number of undesired behaviors (µ ) / Total possible undesired behaviors (τ))* Behavioral coefficient (β) = Behavioral Quotient (BQ)

or δ * β * (µ * τ) = BQ where β = 3.779

So, for example, if a student performed 5 desired behaviors, and only 3 undesired behaviors, and the total possible undesired behaviors is 7, then:

(5 - ( 3/10 )) * 3.779 = 17.3

This is an average score. The grading scale is as follows:

< 10 = evil
11 - 15 = poor
16 - 20 = average
21 - 25 = good
> 26 = saint

I hope this proves to be helpful to whomever uses it.
That is all.

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